Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th, 2009

Rainbow's United provides early intervention to children ages 0-3. This is critical to developmentally delayed children's success. Kinnick and Carver both receive these services. Our services include SLP (Feeding and Speech), PT (gross motor), OT (fine motor), VT (Vision), AVT (Audiology), and an Early Childhood teacher. I never feel like we get enough services (I'm just that kind of mother). However, I do feel very fortunate that we receive the services that we do receive and they are at no cost to my family. Until the last couple of months, we had the best AVT through Rainbows. She wasn't a certified AVT until just recently, but had the experience -just needed to complete the certification. She is the ONLY AVT certified individual in the area. Rainbows let her go as part of their "Reorganization" effort. I guess they couldn't afford her. This has left us without any kind of Teacher for the Deaf. This is a huge blow for us. Carver needs these services to give him the full benefit of his CI's. There isn't even anyone else in the area that can offer these services. This highly needed individual is now jobless and not accessible to the many people that desperately need the services that she offers. Many of us are pleading with Rainbows to reconsider. I've even begged my ENT to consider hiring her in their office. So, I'm kinda bummed right now. Carver's second CI is scheduled for September 30th, and I don't even know who's going to provide the services that he needs to make the difference.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe that! I teach with someone who's daughter works with Rainbows and it sounds like there is some major stuff going on there. I saw that in the news too. It just seems so sad that the kids are the ones who are going to end up suffering the most when somebody at the top didn't do their job right! I hope they can get her back!! Do you have any info for us to help call? Maybe if we bombard them, they won't be able to ignore us!

Kristina said...

Is there any way to have your private insurance pay for her as an AVT? Our insurance covers Emma's AVT for a certain number of session/year as part of the approval for her cochlear implant. Maybe you can go that route? Or, maybe she can cut you a great price if you hire her out of pocket and have a fund raiser of some sort to help raise the money? I'm so sorry you have to go through this - this really sucks!

Tara Bennett said...

I just love early intervention, but there are some serious flaws. I hope there is a resolution - and soon!

Jodi said...

What can I do to help? Can I call Rainbows and who do I need to speak with? I can sure ask Olivia's therapists as well.