Today was Carver's first day of Pre-School. He'll be attending 3 days a week for 1 1/2 hrs/day. After 3 weeks, he will start attending 3 days a week for 3 hrs/day.
It was a windy day and a late start. The school/transportation department was working up to the last hour organizing the busing. - a lot of work to drive next door. If you were to stand in our cul-de-sac and look straight ahead, you would see the school. They arrived about 15 min late, so Carver's first day of school was shorted to closer to an hour instead of 1 1/2 hrs. I'm sure things will go smoother now that everything has been figured out.

The bus has a nice electric ramp/lift, so that Carver can easily be placed in the bus - remaining in his wheelchair at all times.
The walk to the bus at the end of the driveway. Carver looks so tiny in his wheelchair.
Getting ready to ride on the electric ramp/lift. You can see how windy it was. Carver couldn't even open his eyes.
Ready for the ride up into the bus...
Quick ride to the top and into the bus....
They secured Carver's wheelchair with tie-downs. His 1:1 is seated to the left of him.
Kinnick got on the bus to say bye-bye to Carver.
Carver was completely wiped-out this evening! He participated in story time, recess (swings), and bye-bye time at school today.
The remainder of this school year will be spent getting to know Carver, working Carver into the classroom, and finding out what works best like seating/positioning and how to participate in all activities. The school is very good about insuring that all kids participate in all activities in some way. In other words, all activities will be modified to accommodate Carver. His 1:1 will be with him at all times insuring Carver's participation. She will offer any help necessary without allowing Carver to be completely dependent. The goal is to help him do more for himself. It will be a hard balance to give him the support he needs without giving him too much help - preventing him from doing things he CAN do or can LEARN to do.