Tuesday, December 28, 2010
December 28th, 2010
Kinnick is feeling better. I think she caught a little flu bug. Christmas day, she had a temperature and a snotty nose. She seemed to feel better by evening. On Sunday, she had diarhea - yuk. Then, last night a temperature, again. Hopefully, we're done with that bug.
Carver got his botox injections yesterday. They put 65 units in each aductor and 35 units in each hamstring. We won't really see the results for 2-4 weeks. He was sedated for the procedure. He was a little crabby afterwards, but I believe mostly due to the anestesia. He always feels crappy after being sedated. Today, he's back to himself. He has a bit of a cold, so that's giving him trouble eating and breathing, but nothing too bad.
I don't get much time to take care of myself. I've been having terrible back pain for quite some time > year. It has finally gotten to the point that I needed something to help with the pain. So, I seen the doctor yesterday. She gave me some muscle relaxers and some prescription motrin. The muscle relaxer seems to really help, but makes me tired. While there, I got in trouble for the usual high blood pressure. My blood pressure was 168/94, so I have to monitor it for the next couple of weeks and then see the doctor again. I've been trying to avoid blood pressure meds (I hate taking meds), but she may not let me out of it this time. I just got a treadmill, so I'm hoping a little exercise will take care of it. The problem is that I have no energy, so it's hard to get motivated enough to get on the treadmill. High blood pressure runs in the family. I'm not a drinker or a smoker, nor am I over weight. I just have bad genes, and a lot of stress. Another thing that I'm dealing with (my whole family is dealing with), is that my Dad was recently diagnosed with esophagus cancer. He's 63 years old. This is a cancer that typically presents itself around age 60. We don't know much about it, yet. I only know that the cancer is about 5 inches long, and at this time, it is not operable. My Dad sees his doctor on Monday to get the course of action. Please pray that he gets the meds that he needs to shrink the cancer, so that it becomes operable.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day
I think we had a little too much fun before Christmas. Kinnick has done pretty good this winter, but today was a crappy health day. Kinnick didn't want to get out of bed this morning, and required oxygen most of the day. I gave her some extra breathing treatments, some motrin, and some cold medicine. By early evening, she was able to give up the oxygen, but was still pretty sluggish. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.
The rest of the family was healthy and had a great day. We opened presents and then stuffed ourselves with Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, rolls, and the works.
A visit from Santa Claus
While decorating cookies Christmas Eve, we received a visit from Santa Claus. The front door opened, a gust of wind came in, and there he was.... SANTA CLAUS.
Carver didn't mind sitting on Santa's lap.
Big brother, Hayden didn't mind sitting on Santa's lap and was very excited to get the game that he asked Santa to bring.
We had a blast playing guesstures that evening. Here is a picture of Uncle Bill acting out a "Jockey". Can you tell? His team missed this one. I thought he made a good jockey.
Thanks for the laughs Tonya, Bill, Tyler, and Miles (My sister's family).
Early Christmas
Nurse Marci and her mom, Grandpa Gray (GG) came to visit a few days before Christmas. They brought several nice gifts for Kinnick and Carver. Kinnick and Carver got the opportunity to practice opening gifts. Wow, I was quite surprised how well they did unwrapping their gifts.
One of the things that Carver got was a drum that lights up and plays music. It's just the right height and is easy for Carver to hold and play. Kinnick was very interested in the new drum and was even a little jealous.
Kinnick quickly forgot about the new drum when she saw her new easel. The easel was just the right size. One side is a magnetic dry erase board. The other side is a chalk board. Both sides hold paper for drawing. Nurse Marci also got some really neat crayons that are for dry erase boards. Very cool. Kinnick has really been getting into coloring. We hang her pictures on the fridge and she frequently visits the pictures.
Nurse Marci loves shoes, so we rarely need to buy shoes in our house. Carver got the cutest pair of chucks - navy blue high tops. We have a really hard time keeping shoes on Carver. These stay on really good.
Kinnick got a new pair of boots - very cute. She kept them on all day. We didn't take them off until bed time.
Thank you Nurse Marci and GG for the great gifts!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
December 11th, 2010
It seems like I've talked a lot about Carver lately, so today I'll give you a little update on Kinnick. Kinnick is still doing really good with her primary colors. She is very consistent when telling us her colors, so it's obvious that she can see in color. She insists on telling you the color of everything. We've started working on counting 1-10. We're starting slowly. She's got 1-2 down, and she is now counting 2 items for fun - ears, eyes, toys, books, etc. I'll do a video when she is able to count to 10. We're also working on ABC's. We say each letter, then she repeats the letter. In some cases, she'll say the next letter in line. For example, if I say "H", she'll say "I". She can repeat all of the letters in the alphabet in her raspy little bedroom voice. It's so cute. Hopefully, she'll know her alphabet by the end of the school year. If so, I'll be beaming with pride (as if I'm not already). She hates eating, but will now request bites of her yogurt at breakfast. She refers to yogurt as her "yo-yo", and often wants to carry a container of yogurt around the house. She can clear an entire shelf in the pantry searching for the yogurt. She can open the doors to the pantry, now. You can always tell when she's been in the pantry - it looks like a tornado went through - every time. She's also requesting to "eat" shortly before meal time. She comes to us and says, "eat". Hard to believe because she really doesn't like eating.
So far we've been lucky this winter. Kinnick and Carver have already had several colds, but nothing that has required a significant amount of oxygen. Extra breathing treatments and a slight increase in oxygen has taken care of the colds so far. Each year seems to get better.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Carver's Special Tomato MPS for Feeding
Carver's new Special Tomato MPS came today. This will be used to replace the baby highchair. It should grow with him until at least age 8. At the rate my children are growing, this will fit him until he's a teenager. It will be a bit of an adjustment going from a baby seat to a bigger seat. This seat is lower then a baby seat, so I'm going to buy a small chair on wheels - like the ones you see in the doctors office with no back on them. This will put us at Carver's level, so we can feed him. Other then that adjustment, this should work out great and can also be used for Kinnick.
For fun, here is a picture of Kinnick going for a ride in the back of Hayden's dump truck - wearing Carver's slippers.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Advanced Bionics Recall puts CI on hold
Monday, December 6, 2010
Learned Helplessness
We actually seen several doctors and therapists last Wednesday. We attend a CP clinic about once every 6 months. At this clinic, they bring in a Neurologist, PT, OT, Orthopedic Doctor, Social Worker, Nurse, Nutritionist, Dental Hygienist, Orthotist, and someone who can make adjustments to equipment like wheelchairs.
In my last post, I mentioned Carver's appointment with the Neurologist. Kinnick doesn't really need to see the Neurologist. She seems to be doing just fine - other then delays related to her lack of breath support, lack of vision, and hypotonia. However, even with her hypotonia, she's doing quite well. She's just very weak. The PT suggested some exercises to help strengthen Kinnick's legs - mostly squat type exercises and walking up/down stairs. She also mentioned getting Kinnick a balancing board. So, we added that to the Christmas list.
The PT made some suggestions for stretching Carver. I asked if she thought that Carver was "as far as he's going to go physically". The reason that I asked is because we put him in a sitting position every day and work so hard to teach him to sit independently, but he just can't do it. She told me that she believed he could and would do it. She believes that Carver has "Learned Helplessness". What's that? Well, we treat Carver like he is 3-6 months old. We always watch his head, and we never let him tip over or fall. We guard him at all times when working with him. She suggested letting him suffer some consequences for his actions. Sounds terrible, but I think she has a point. She didn't suggest letting him really hurt himself. Instead, she said to practice putting him in a sitting position while on a soft mat. Or, when there are soft pillows around him. Then, instead of guarding him and catching him every time he leans to one side or tips over, let him fall. This will teach him that there are consequences for his actions and he shouldn't do that. By always catching him and guarding him, we have taught him that he doesn't have to do anything, we'll always be there and help him, and he has no idea that there are really consequences for his actions. We're going to give it a try and see how it works.
We got Carver's wheelchair adjusted just in case he is ready to go to school in March. We didn't bother getting Kinnick's adjusted because she's doing so good with her walking and for distances, the school can put her in a wagon.
Tomorrow, we see the Pulmonologist and Carver gets to try out the new Auditory Conditioning System.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Botox and more
We seen Carver's Neurologist last Wednesday. Carver's spasticity in his legs isn't getting better with neurontin, anymore. We tried baclofen prior to neurontin and it didn't work, either. So, the Neurologist has finally agreed to do Botox. Botox (neurotoxin) works in the muscle where it is injected by blocking signals that tell the muscle to contract. Hopefully this will help relax the muscles in Carver's legs and allow his legs to be more functional. The doctor agreed to do injections in Carver's adductors and his hamstrings. Carver also has quite a bit of spasticity in his lower back and right arm. However, due to Carver's size (dosage limitations), the doctor is only able to treat the most needed areas. Carver will continue to take neurontin to help with the other areas.
Carver is really starting to come alive with his Cochlear Implants. It's becoming more obvious that he is not only paying attention to sounds, but learning their meaning. He's also starting to use the little bit of vision in his left eye. Carver is so mobile now - rolling on the floor. He used to stay in the great room and only rolled around in a very defined area. Now, he's rolling into the Kitchen and halls. Sometimes, I walk into the great room and have no idea where's he gone. It's not hard to find him, but always a shock. He loves going to the changing table where we keep a plastic mat. He lays on the plastic mat and scratches it. I think he likes the way it sounds. He has the path to the mat memorized, and can roll straight there without getting lost along the way. He can roll right and left, but prefers to roll to the left. I believe this is due to the fact that he only has vision in his left eye (rolling to the right would be like rolling blindly), and the fact that his left arm has more function then the right. He uses the right arm to push himself over his left shoulder. If he gets in a position (hits a wall or object) and can't roll to the left, he will lift both legs in the air (above the wall or object) and drop his legs to the other side of his body, then push off and continue rolling to the left until he gets to his destination. I've even seen him go back-n-forth between the plastic mat in the kitchen and the great room. When her returns to the great room, he is typically looking for a toy to play with. He doesn't stop until he finds the toy. It's such a pleasant surprise to suddenly hear one of Carver's toys playing music, and to see that Carver has moved to the great room and he's the one playing with the toy - no help from anyone. If he accidentally turns the toy to the off position, he cries and yells until someone turns the toy back to the on position. I'm not sure if this is because he wants to hear the toy, or if he wants to see the lights that light up when the toy is on. Either way, I'm trilled that he notices.
We're still waiting on insurance approval for Carver right CI surgery. So, it's not looking like he'll be activated by Christmas.
Carver has done very well without oxygen at night. I've only had to use it a few nights with colds.
We applied for family support funding through the MRDD waiver. This funding comes up once a year and is typically how we fund Kinnick and Carver's needed equipment. Due to cutbacks, we didn't qualify for funding this year. They excluded anyone that was receiving any kind of funding (regardless of type of funding) from another waiver program. We receive a medicaid card for Kinnick and Carver which provides nursing in the home via the Technology Asisted waiver. Therefore, we didn't qualify this year. We only requested funding for a replacement highchair for Carver. Kinnick and Carver are still using the baby highchair for meals. Kinnick is capable of sitting in a regular chair, but Carver requires full support. So, we're needing a special chair for feeds. Fortunately, my private insurance (BCBS) has agreed to pay for the seat. I didn't think they would pay for it, so we were surprised when they approved the request. Carver should receive his new highchair before the end of year. We ordered a Special Tomato Mobile Positioning System. These cost around $3,000, so hopefully it will accommodate for several years.
I still have lots to talk about, but I'll save it for another post. This post is getting rather long.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Merry Muscles
A few days ago, I posted a couple of videos of Kinnick and Carver in a baby Johnny Jump-Up. They both LOVED it. However, they're really too big for it. The max weight is 24 lbs and it doesn't offer much support. After posting, a lady that follows my blog commented about "Merry Muscles". Merry Muscles is a special needs Johnny Jump-Up. The small size goes up to 40 lbs. We ordered the medium size (pictured below). I'm not sure how much weight it holds, but surely it can be used a long time. We're excited to get it. We should have it for Christmas.
Here's a picture from the Merry Muscles website....

Can't wait! Oh, and btw.... if you can't get your child to jump..... this will do the trick!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Auditory Conditioning System for Carver
The training protocol for Carver's auditory conditioning system is almost ready. We meet with Kat on December 7th to try out the actual auditory conditioning system for Carver. The lady (Kate) who wrote the protocol is also going to join us to see her experiment unfold. The Blind/Deaf with Cochlear Implants Project was kind enough to write an additional grant to provide funding that will allow the team to develop a tool that will help us get Carver "booth test ready". What does this mean? Carver is Blind/Deaf and has CP. These 3 things really make it difficult for Carver to respond to the standard hearing booth tests that typical deaf children use to determine the correct CI mappings. This auditory conditioning system will be set up on the computer to allow us to track Carver's progress with accuracy. The program will present Carver with different sounds (similar to the sounds that would be presented during a booth test). Carver will use switches to indicate whether he heard a sound or not. An interrupter switch will be used to exclude instances where Carver was "playing" with the switch vs responding to a sound when it is presented. The hope is that we can condition Carver, so that this system can be used to map his CI's in a booth test. If it is a success, it could be used to help other children like Carver. To date, all of Carver's CI mappings have been based on NRI responses - basically, the computer is telling the Audiologist how to map Carver based on how the nerves respond to sounds sent through the CI from the computer. While this gets us in the ball park, it isn't the best possible mapping for Carver. A lot of people have been involved to help make this a success. We're excited to be a part of the experiment, and are very hopeful that this will be a success. Wish us luck!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So, today our SLP and OT came to observe Kinnick and Carver's feeding routines. After observing, they came up with some new things to try.
The following is what our SLP and OT observed, and what they would like to try as far as swallowing goes:
1) Breathing. Kinnick has limited respiratory intake and output. Therefore, she needs time to catch her breath after she swallows. Sometimes she needs to swallow a couple of times before she is ready for another bite. I (SLP) think she gets stressed out, then her breathing quickens, then she has to swallow, then catch her breath, and be ready for the next bite. This could cause her to stress out even more, choke, and then refuse, and she's back to square one. During lunch, Nurse Marci did a great job making Kinnick feel safe and comfortable. We (SLP and OT) allowed Kinnick to "wait" for a little bit before the next bite. I (SLP) also cued her to say "wait", which she is still learning to do. At one point, she asked for "more"! :) We (SLP and OT) also let her know when the bite was coming ("Here comes a bite, Kinnick). Kinnick typically closes her lips when she swallows.
2) Limiting oral intake to 30 minutes. Mom and Marci already do this, but I (SLP) wanted to be sure you knew why the limit is 30 minutes, especially for Kinnick. Eating takes lots of energy, b/c of coordinating chewing (or movement of the food to the back of the mouth), swallowing and breathing. Kinnick's breathing is still effortful. If oral intake goes over 30 minutes, the food Kinnick is eating will be used up as energy for eating only.
3) We (SLP and OT) noticed she is not drinking her milk. It could be the flavor. Nurse Marci said Kinnick is drinking or learning to drink from a sippy cup and that Kinnick also likes juice. Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) are excited for her to learn to drink from the sippy cup on her own, then move on to a cup. Go, Kinnick!
4)We (SLP and OT) worked on appropriate refusal ("no, thanks"), rather than screaming.
5) At the feeding conference Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) went to, we learned that kiddos with texture/flavor aversions are given a variety of flavors through their g-tube. The logic is that when gas is burped from the stomach, it can be tasted. Sounds gross, I (SLPL) know, but this is a way for Kinnick and Carver to try something new without it being too offensive. Of course, Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) would NEVER try this without your explicit permission. This was just an idea we were tossing around. We (SLP and OT) will also continue to orally introduce new flavors and textures.
6) We (SLP and OT) are going to work on more oral stim with Kinnick to help with toothbrushing.
I (SLP) am very pleased that she did not demonstrate great discomfort/aversion during mealtime, and was very willing to continue with therapy. Way to go, Kinnick!
1) What an awesome little man! You have done a fabulous job of teaching him how to use a spoon! Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) are excited for him to learn to feed himself!
2)We (SLP and OT) are looking at helping Carver close his lips around the spoon, rather than the spoon scraping the food off of the roof of his mouth.
3)He is enjoying lumpier textures which is great. We are still encouraging oral stim with a nuk brush and z-vibe (basically, a rubber tipped vibrating stick) to help with tooth brushing and chewing. Because of his tonic bite, he may need support for chewing and I (SLP) am currently looking into this. Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) would also like to vary his flavors orally.
4) I (SLP) would like oral stim with a nuk brush to take place at home. This could only take about 2 minutes out of his day, if Mom and the rest of the team are ok with that. If Mom would like, I (SLP) would be happy to demonstrate or show you, Nurse Marci and anyone else, how we (SLP and OT) do this.
5)Just like you all encouraged "pretend eating" with the spoon, I (SLP) would like to encourage "pretend drinking" with a cup (for both Carver and Kinnick). This will help them be aware of the corners of their mouth, the tip of their tongue, etc.
The following is what our SLP and OT observed, and what they would like to try as far as swallowing goes:
1) Breathing. Kinnick has limited respiratory intake and output. Therefore, she needs time to catch her breath after she swallows. Sometimes she needs to swallow a couple of times before she is ready for another bite. I (SLP) think she gets stressed out, then her breathing quickens, then she has to swallow, then catch her breath, and be ready for the next bite. This could cause her to stress out even more, choke, and then refuse, and she's back to square one. During lunch, Nurse Marci did a great job making Kinnick feel safe and comfortable. We (SLP and OT) allowed Kinnick to "wait" for a little bit before the next bite. I (SLP) also cued her to say "wait", which she is still learning to do. At one point, she asked for "more"! :) We (SLP and OT) also let her know when the bite was coming ("Here comes a bite, Kinnick). Kinnick typically closes her lips when she swallows.
2) Limiting oral intake to 30 minutes. Mom and Marci already do this, but I (SLP) wanted to be sure you knew why the limit is 30 minutes, especially for Kinnick. Eating takes lots of energy, b/c of coordinating chewing (or movement of the food to the back of the mouth), swallowing and breathing. Kinnick's breathing is still effortful. If oral intake goes over 30 minutes, the food Kinnick is eating will be used up as energy for eating only.
3) We (SLP and OT) noticed she is not drinking her milk. It could be the flavor. Nurse Marci said Kinnick is drinking or learning to drink from a sippy cup and that Kinnick also likes juice. Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) are excited for her to learn to drink from the sippy cup on her own, then move on to a cup. Go, Kinnick!
4)We (SLP and OT) worked on appropriate refusal ("no, thanks"), rather than screaming.
5) At the feeding conference Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) went to, we learned that kiddos with texture/flavor aversions are given a variety of flavors through their g-tube. The logic is that when gas is burped from the stomach, it can be tasted. Sounds gross, I (SLPL) know, but this is a way for Kinnick and Carver to try something new without it being too offensive. Of course, Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) would NEVER try this without your explicit permission. This was just an idea we were tossing around. We (SLP and OT) will also continue to orally introduce new flavors and textures.
6) We (SLP and OT) are going to work on more oral stim with Kinnick to help with toothbrushing.
I (SLP) am very pleased that she did not demonstrate great discomfort/aversion during mealtime, and was very willing to continue with therapy. Way to go, Kinnick!
1) What an awesome little man! You have done a fabulous job of teaching him how to use a spoon! Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) are excited for him to learn to feed himself!
2)We (SLP and OT) are looking at helping Carver close his lips around the spoon, rather than the spoon scraping the food off of the roof of his mouth.
3)He is enjoying lumpier textures which is great. We are still encouraging oral stim with a nuk brush and z-vibe (basically, a rubber tipped vibrating stick) to help with tooth brushing and chewing. Because of his tonic bite, he may need support for chewing and I (SLP) am currently looking into this. Kelly (OT) and I (SLP) would also like to vary his flavors orally.
4) I (SLP) would like oral stim with a nuk brush to take place at home. This could only take about 2 minutes out of his day, if Mom and the rest of the team are ok with that. If Mom would like, I (SLP) would be happy to demonstrate or show you, Nurse Marci and anyone else, how we (SLP and OT) do this.
5)Just like you all encouraged "pretend eating" with the spoon, I (SLP) would like to encourage "pretend drinking" with a cup (for both Carver and Kinnick). This will help them be aware of the corners of their mouth, the tip of their tongue, etc.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Got the "All Clear" to re-implant the Right CI
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010
This is the first year that we've taken Kinnick and Carver out trick-or-treating.
This year, Kinnick and Carver were Thing 1 and Thing 2. Big brother Hayden went as the Cat-in-the-hat. Their costumes were perfect for the weather. It was a bit chilly, but not too bad.
Kinnick and Carver weren't thrilled with the blue wigs - even though I searched forever for the perfect blue wigs :o). They seemed much happier with the wigs off.
We only went to a few houses for fun. Kinnick even walked up to the houses with her pumpkin and tried to say trick-or-treat. It came out as "treat". We put a light in her pumpkin, so that she would want to carry the pumpkin (she liked the light).
Kinnick wasn't excited about the candy, at all. She won't even taste candy. The best part of trick-or-treating for Kinnick and Carver was getting to go outside for a walk. For me, it was eating the candy that Kinnick and Carver didn't want.

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Applejack Pumpkin Patch
Today was a beautiful day. The temperature was in the upper 70's. Nurse Marci and I spent all day at the Applejack Pumpkin Patch with my 3 little ones, Kinnick, Carver, and big brother Hayden. For $6/person each of us got our own pumpkin and all of the fun that we could squeeze in during our visit.
Nurse Marci is such a trooper. Here she is sitting in the back of the bus with the kids.
Kinnick and big brother Hayden...
Carver and big brother Hayden...
Kinnick tried out the tire swing.
Hayden absolutely LOVED the zip line. I can't tell you how many times he had to ride.
After a while, big brother Hayden perfected his landing. He did a pretty good job for a 5 year old.
Everyone took turns on the big slide. This is a picture of Nurse Marci and Carver going down the big slide.
Kinnick enjoyed the smaller slide...until she fell on her bottom. She doesn't have much padding back there, so she wasn't very happy after the fall.

The Applejack Pumpkin Patch had something for everyone. I only showed pictures of about 1/2 of what they have to do. They have lots of good food like funnel cakes, slushies, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, nachos, etc... They have animals, shooting sports, tricycle racing, duck racing, playground equipment, and I'm sure I've missed naming several things. The Applejack Pumpkin Patch will definitely be on our list again next year. We had a great time.
Monday, October 25, 2010
A visit from Grandpa Woolley
Grandpa Woolley came to visit this past weekend. It's always nice to see Grandpa Woolley. He's a great guest and we always hate to see him go. In just a few short days, he did so much for us. He treats us like the guests.
On Thursday, he scraped, primed, and painted the trim around the garage. Then he cooked fresh fish that he caught fishing in MI.
On Friday he made stuffed bell peppers and rice and he fixed a light switch that had a short in it. He also spent forever pushing Kinnick on her tricycle.
On Saturday, he squeezed in time to see Gage's Football game before hitting the road.
Let's not forget to mention the abuse he took while playing with Hayden and the nurf guns, the time he spent with Carver, and the time he gave Gregory looking at trains.
Everyone enjoyed Grandpa Woolley's visit. We hope to see him again soon. Thanks for the good times, Bob Sr.
Skeleton Bones
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Carver taking his Pony for a spin
I was able to capture Carver taking his Pony for a spin on the deck...
Carver is really making some good efforts in his Pony. Obviously he has a lot of work ahead of him, but I think he's off to a good start.
Another good note...
We met with Carver's ENT today, they are ready to re-implant his right Cochlear Implant. We go for a CT scan next Thursday. If all goes well, we will schedule his surgery! Maybe we'll have 2 ears by Christmas!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A new Pony for Carver
Last year, we got a size 1 pony through MRDD funding. A size 1 pony typically fits an age 3-6 year old. Carver was a little older then 2 1/2, so it made since at that time to get the size 1. We knew it would be too big for a short while, but figured that he would be able to use it within 6 months. Well, here we are a year later and he's still too small for the size 1 pony. He's grown, but all of the length has been in his torso - not his legs. So, he's still 2 inches too short for the size 1 pony.
I've been looking for a size 0 pony to borrow for quite some time, but haven't had any luck finding one. Finally, I was on Ebay and found one for sale. I was able to purchase a size 0 pony for $525. This is a great buy - these things cost around $3,000 new. So much for paying off the credit card :o). The size 0 pony came FedEx yesterday afternoon. I tore into it like a Christmas package. I was so excited to finally get something that would allow Carver to be mobile in an upright position.
Carver is still learning how to use the pony, but he has had a few good "runs" in it since we got it yesterday.
This picture shows how much work it is for Carver to coordinate the movements to walk in the pony AND hold his head up at the same time.
And here, he decided to throw his hands in the air and run in the pony.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Beck's Farm - In search of Pumpkins
I was off work on Friday, so Nurse Marci, Kinnick, Carver and me all went to Beck's Farm in search of Pumpkins.
Kinnick didn't care for the hay, so anytime we sat her on the hay she got upset. For whatever reason, Carver was refusing to lift his head, so this is the best picture we could get together.
Darn hay ruined another picture.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 14th, 2010
Kinnick enjoyed some fun outside today while Carver was at his AVT appointment. She LOVES to play outside - it doesn't matter how cold or how hot it is outside. Right now, the weather is perfect. So, Kinnick got to spend some time practicing with her mobility device.
Here is a picture of Kinnick correcting her mobility device (pre-cane). She knows when she runs into the grass that she needs to move the mobility device.
Here she is all "Independent". Showing us how it is done. Amazing!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 13th, 2010
Today, Carver received a new Tumble Forms chair - compliments of the Deaf/Blind Funding. This is such a cool chair. It comes in several pieces that allow you to put the chair in all sorts of positions.
This is a picture of Carver working on sitting with his PT.
Tonight, I was playing with the chair and created a cute little recliner. Carver sat really good in it for a few minutes. It was the perfect height for him. His feet hit the ground with his knees at a 90% angle. So cute! What a handsome little guy.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Out to eat - always entertaining
Today, we decided to go out for a bite to eat at one of my favorite restaurants (On the Border).
This is how the outing went....
Kinnick decided that she was finished coloring, so the blue crayon (flying through the air) lands in our chips.
FYI... for those of you that didn't know, you can request braille menus at restaurants. This helps keep the kids occupied - too bad we didn't request one today.
Carver, was a good little boy and enjoyed trying to see the crayola crayon colors.
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